
Virtual Reality

SkyDive in 360° Virtual Reality

Virtual reality (VR) typically refers to computer technologies that use virtual reality headsets to generate the realistic images, sounds and other sensations that replicate a real environment or create an imaginary setting. VR also simulates a user’s physical presence in this environment. VR has been defined as “a realistic and immersive simulation of a three dimensional (3D) 360 degree environment, created using interactive software and hardware, and experienced or controlled by movement of the body” or as an “immersive, interactive experience generated by a computer” (Wikipedia).

Virtual Reality has been around in different forms for decades.

The stereoscope in the 1850s;

1838: The stereoscope (Charles Wheatstone)

“VR at its best shouldn’t replace real life, just modify it, giving us access to so much just out of reach physically, economically. If you can dream it, VR can make it.”


The first time simulator:

created by Edward Link in 1929, which was the first commercial flight simulator. (https://www.vrs.org.uk/virtual-reality/history.html)

Edward Link, The Link Trainer

1993 SEGA announce new VR glasses

Another step into promoting and bringing VR into the industry and to the world. The VR glasses were introduced for the SEGA genesis console. However, technical development difficulties prevented the company from releasing the VR glasses into the market and to the public.

VR glasses for the SEGA genesis console

Throughout different decades, different companies released different sets of VR devices, but most failed to live up to the expectation and were not successful mainly due to graphics problem, software support and other technical faults and not living up to the expectation of the what the buyers thought they would come out as.
Samsung GEAR VR

The Samsung VR is a very affordable VR device. Many other VR devices have been released. The HTC Vive Virtual Reality Kit is another VR device which costs more than 1 grand.

I have tested the Gear VR that samsung released alongside the galaxy s7 Edge. The VR is an example of the very early VR devices like the Stereoscope in the 1850s. The gear VR device is a headset, compatible with certain Galaxy devices like the Galaxy Note 5, Galaxy S6 or the S6 edge, or the Galaxy S7 or the S7 Edge. The device is also quite similar to an example of the Google cardboard VR.

Below is a video of what inside the VR device is like. Users can download and install different apps and games and can experience the applications or games in a 360 experience.

Gaming in VR

Below is a footage of an action game in the HTC Vive VR device. Gameplay, graphics and some other aspects of the games in VR devices still have room to improve. In the coming years one can only imagine the gaming world in Virtual Reality.


Art in VR
